Being Green on a Budget

Eating organic and driving a hybrid car is not in your budget now. But here are some simple things you can do help the ecology of the planet and in turn save money.

Kiss bottled waters goodbye. America has the best municipal water system; though in recent years, concerns over clean water have risen. Lead discovered in the Flint water supply and additional concerns about clean water have come up in the news this past summer in some North Carolina communities, are both legitimate reasons to be wary of our old utility infrastructure. Investing in a filtration system or buying a simple Brita to place of the tap are precautionary measures you can take to insure safety, while not contributing to more plastic waste.

Recycle is a given. But what else aside from bottles, cans, and cardboard boxes are recyclable items? If you’re in the good habit of donating clothes to charities then you are on the right track. There are those clothes that are too tattered to give, but a few things you can do with them before they are dumpster bound. Use those old rags for crafts, line pet cages, cleaning, or if you like to sew, use them for practice patterns or cut up the material and use them for stuffing home-made teddy bears or throw pillows.

Cut down on paper waste by transferring all bills and newspaper subscriptions to electronic format. Not only will this reduce clutter and waste, becoming more organized will lessen stress which is always good for mental health.

Our economy is designed to urge citizens to consume. However, the level of consumption that cheap energy has afforded us is simply not sustainable. Our sentimental attachments to things and stuff could be redirected. Instead of purchasing that new book, borrow it from the library or if invest in a used copy instead, and then pass it on to a friend. Donate old magazines to schools or offices. Instead of buying a new power tool, rent or borrow it. Hey, it’s a great way to meet your new neighbors.

Become an informed consumer. Buying green products can cut overall waste and save you money. However, it’s important to know which companies to trust. Look for companies that promote eco-friendly products and prove environmentally favorable practices throughout the entirety the product’s life cycle. And if you do your homework and familiarize yourself about how different companies conduct their business practices; i.e. extraction of the raw materials, production, packaging, disposal, etc. you will benefit by making better decisions on where and how to buy the goods you rely on the most.

EcoRaider is committed to providing natural and non-toxic product options that consumers can feel confident using, even in the most sensitive environments. Check out our new Roach Killer Spray, the newest green repellent added to the EcoRaider family. The EcoRaider team continues to research and make it their highest priority to deliver sustainable, green products to the world that are effective against pests and cost-effective. Visit our shopping page to view all the available products.



Avoid Bed Bugs When Consignment Shopping

Do you just love feel of a comfy old couch or the appeal of the rustic style that only antique furniture can behold? Then you are probably a little like me, and a bit of a consignment and antique junkie.  

Unfortunately, some furniture doesn’t always get properly inspected before making its way to the showroom floor. Therefore, I would like to offer a few tips to shoppers so they avoid bringing home an extra guest with their thrifty purchases.

Inspecting a piece of furniture thoroughly is the first step every consumer should take. Check for bumps and other kinds of abnormal wear and tear –these might be indicators that pests are roaming about in the furniture. Of course, you don’t know what the conditions were like where the furniture was stored prior to your ownership so it is necessary to take some precautions. For example, keep the piece separate it until it is fully steam cleaned.

Another way to avoid bringing in bed bugs is be choosy about what used furniture you buy. Used mattresses are no-no. People’s skin cells, sweat and bodily fluids seep into their mattress. So those facts plus the bed bugs, and that should gross you out from wanting to buy a used mattress.  

Since bed bugs live off blood they tend to leave these stains behind, these stains are a clear warning sign to stay away even the cutest of cute adorable throw pillows.  

The news is not all bad for the thrift-store shopper. As long as you keep in these tips in mind and keep certain tools on hand, you don’t have to sacrifice those great furniture finds.

EcoRaider bed bug spray is a treatment, maintenance, and a preventive measure and could be used right after you buy a pre-used item. Before you introduce your new sofa or lounge chair into your living room, apply a mist throughout the upholstered piece to secure that no bugs stray far away.   

Let’s not forget pests hide in less obvious places, even that antique mahogany chest or a second-hand dining room  table which will spruce up your hipster shack nicely are hiding places. Be mindful, before you stain and polish, heed this advice, mist with EcoRaider to keep your valuable treasure in tact and your home and consignment finds, bug free.

Need help to get your kids back to school?

Things to do:

  • Summer reading list for the kids, Check!
  • Packed away summer clothes Check!
  • Bribed the kids to get them away from the swimming pool long enough to have them try on fall wardrobe, Check!
  • Cashed-in on back-to-school supply sales, Check!
  • Made arrangements for all parent teacher conferences and penciled in the back to school night on the calendar, Check!
  • Ahead of the game; preparation for the school year in tact!

One evening, as you are tucking the kiddies in bed, your youngest is complaining about redness on their skin, while the other child is scratching away. The first thought that goes through your head, oh no, poison ivy! Oh, how you implored the kids to stay away from brush in the backyard.

On closer examination, you rule out the heinous rash in exchange for something just as sinister, bed bug bites. The red welts and swelling on one child’s leg and the flat, reddish blisters found along your other child’s arm points to bed bugs being the culprit.You ask the children if they have noticed any bugs crawling around their bedroom at night. They give affirmative answer and you plunge full-on into a thorough investigation. The kids had visited several friends during their summer recess and were invited to a sleepover or two.

Of course, you don’t want to rule out any possibilities; the family did stay 1-night at that road-side motel where cleanliness was not ideal. Maybe a stowaway snuck into the luggage and made themselves at home. Maybe, as the host of several weekend barbecue shindigs, perhaps a party guest brought them over to your home as an unintended gift.

Regardless, of where the bed bugs came from, if you don’t act quickly you could have a major problem on your hands, legs, arms, and other body parts. Anxiety has returned – you cannot send the children back to school when they will likely get nibbled on as they slumber.

Good thing you know all about Eco Raider products. Their all natural and non-toxic bug killers are very easy to use. The Eco Raider bed bug spray can extinguish bed bugs on contact and has an extended residual that is sure to combat all those insects lurking in the dark.The spray is child and pet friendly, which is such a relief. And eco raider’s extended protection will bring you peace of mind to focus on enjoying your remaining days of summer together with the family.

Once you applied eco raider, signs of the bugs disappear, the children’s bites start healing, and you adjust back to normalcy. However, other challenges await you, like disciplining the family back into school-year mode. Conducting the eco raider cleaning process will seem like a walk in the park compared to getting the kids back to bed-time schedules and waking them up early again to catch the school bus, along with enforcing home work and study time. Finish off one check list just to begin the next.