Making simples changes in our daily lives will help make improvements to our communities and our planet. Conversing with EcoRaider customers, I know firsthand that maintaining a green lifestyle is their top priority. I have compiled a few tips on how green living can help improve one’s daily life and how to make that transition.
For millions of Americans spring means congestion. Spring means sneezing, coughing, and hacking their way through the pollen, and all the fresh new plant life. One way people avoid the hey-fever blues is to stay inside. Staying inside is not always the best strategy because the house itself could also be a breeding ground for irritants.
Do-it-yourself cleaners are a perfect alternative to the typical household chemical cleaners that contain phosphates. Typical items such as baking soda, vinegar, and soap, mixed with water is just as effective as the store-bought counterparts.
Use old tee-shirts and rags, washable items instead of disposable paper towels when mopping up messes. Minimize use of bleaches. Non-chlorine bleaches are gentler to clothes and the environment.
I can’t emphasize reusable enough! Of course, if you grew up in a household anything like mine, using recyclables bags was the standard practice by now. We never used paper or plastic bags for our groceries or anything else for that matter. Brown paper bags, although they are sturdy, that reason alone just doesn’t prove the chopping down a forest; oxygen is kind of necessity. As for the plastic bags, it doesn’t break down.
Plastic bags, along with all other discarded plastic material that escapes the land-fills and ends up washed-up on beaches half way around the world, are death sentences for countless species. The rings of the 6-pack cases are death traps to the poor unsuspecting sea creatures or birds, when they mistakenly swoop in for the shiny object and suffocate themselves on the decoy food. A modest investment in several tout bags would help save lives, trees, animals, and our planet.
Fixing odds and ends around the house is another essential on our green to do list. Perhaps there is a leaky faucet in your basement that you’ve been putting off for a while. This is not good. Leaky pipes are a calling card to crawly unwanted visitors. Environmentally compatible products such as EcoRaider, with its all natural ingredients extracted from plants, are efficient in combating bug infestations head-on. Also, old pipes can leach lead into your water. If lead is found, apply a filter to avoid poisoning.
Using products like EcoRaider avoids typical pesticides and in turn helps keeps municipal water clean. Getting the word out and using more eco-friendly products will do likewise.
There are so many things that you can today to enhance a sustainable future, above are just a sample of the plethora of adjustments one can make in your daily life to make a real environmental impact. Examine your environmental footprint, what other changes can you make doing some of your favorite things; maybe it’s gardening, shopping, cooking, or exploring the great outdoors, and remember making green adjustments can be fun and enlightening. I invite to return next month when I describe my first time experience delving into the realm of eco-tourism and its challenges.