EcoVenger All Purpose Insect Killer

EcoVenger All Purpose Insect Killer


► For Bed Bugs:

EcoVenger quickly kills bed bugs and their eggs with extended residual protection, including resistant bed bugs immune to traditional pesticides.

For personal protection in hotels, theaters, public transportation, etc. Spray bed frames, headboards, mattresses, sofas, couches and surrounding areas to kill existing bed bugs and eggs. Spray on luggage to prevent bed bugs. Spray on clothing to avoid hitch-hiking bed bugs

► For Mosquitoes:

EcoVenger effectively repels Ae. albopictus (Asian tiger mosquito) and Ae. aegypti (yellow fever mosquito). It quickly kills 100% of adults and larvae with extended protection.

Spray anywhere mosquitoes are spotted. Spray directly on flying mosquitoes to kill them on contact. Spray around areas where mosquitoes need to be repelled. Spray on clothing, screens, windows, doors and around perimeter of a residence or camping area to repel and to kill adult mosquitoes. Spray into stagnant water bodies to kill larvae and cut down mosquito population.

► For Ants:

EcoVenger quickly kills ants. It ruptures ants trail and prevents regrouping.

Spray areas where ants appear. Spray direclty to kill on contact. Spray along ant trails especially entry points and around the perimeter of a residence, including shrubbery, vegetation (caution leaf burn), foundation, vinyl, aluminum and wood siding, decks, doorways and patios. Spray at the entry of the garage and around garbage cans and recycling bins.

► For Other Insects

EcoVenger can also be used to control beetles, crickets, dermestids, fleas, flies, gnats, lice, midges, mites, moths, silverfish, spiders, springtails, stink bugs, ticks and other insects.

Spray areas where insects are found or normally occur, including around sinks and plumbing, near appliances, behind cabinets and around waste containers. Repeat as necessary.

EcoVenger is a natural, non-toxic and minimum risk bio-insecticide and is safe around children and pets.

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